Myrtleford Golf Club Bulletin – December 15th, 2023
Men’s Comp.
Last Saturday, 27 players played in the annual event - Medals of Medalist.
This year’s Champion was Jade Galvan with a net 71, congratulations Jade, great year, with also winning the Rigoni.
Winner of A grade was David Clark with 38 points, runner up Jade with 36 points.
Winner of B grade was James McPherson with an excellent 40 points, runner up Gerard Black with 39 points.
7 players played last Wednesday, quality field. Captain David Clark burnt up the field with an exceptional score of 38 points, runner up on a countback was Evan Jones from Fox O’Donohue with 35 points.
Ladies Comp
Last Tuesday, 20 ladies played in the Medal of Medalist event.
The winner of this board event was Sarah Deas with an excellent net 69, on a countback from Barb Welch.
The winner of B grade was Ann Bryant on a countback from Ann Hazeldine with a net 73
Yesterday 24 ladies played in their Xmas Ambrose, and celebrated their year afterwards with a wonderful lunch, prepared by Rod Newton. They are experts at enjoying themselves.
Ambrose winners – Sarah Deas, Liz Orton, Annie Wilson and Kay McGuffie
Don’t forget, a huge working bee this Sunday morning, 8.00am, 6th fairway, please bring chain saws and trailers. Hopefully only 2-3 hours. Rocky is bringing his excavator.
Thanks to Jim Martin who helped me move a couple of ton of super down town to the bulk spreader who will spread it out prior to the next major rain event.
Big weekend this weekend with wedding bells ringing in the O’Donohue household. All the best to proud parents Denise and Fox, have a wonderful weekend.
Ladies Pennant
Great win by our ladies last Friday to win the NE Bushrangers trophy - Marnie Broz, Kerry Newton, Liz Orton, Faye McLees, Ann Hazeldine & Heather Street, this is the first time Myrtleford have won the trophy. They defeated Jubilee at Mansfield and I believe that they celebrated in style last Friday evening.
NE Vets
Last Monday, 9 players played in a 2 player Ambrose at Jubilee. The conditions were hot and humid. The best score amongst our members was Greg Claney and Buck Jones.
Next vets. is at Mansfield on January 15th, please pay your yearly registration to Ichlis before this date.
The programme for the next two weeks:
Saturday 16th
Stableford 8.00– 12.30pm
K O’Shaughnessy, Spider
Tuesday 19th
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
J Bynon, S Church, H Street
Wednesday 20th
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Thursday 21st
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Saturday 23rd
Stableford 8.00 – 12.30pm
J Harrington, P Stewart
Wednesday 27th
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Thursday 28th
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Saturday 30th
Stableford 8.00 – 12.30pm
C Shewell, C Piazza
Monday 1st
2 Player Ambrose 9.00-9.30am Shotgun
Enter at Clubhouse
Tuesday 2nd
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
B Newton, J Harper S Kelly
Wednesday 3rd
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Thursday 4th
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Saturday 6th
Monthly Medal
A Roseby, I Wales
Tuesday 9th
Monthly Medal
J Roseby, L Dwyer,
Wednesday 10th
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Thursday 11th
Stableford 8.30 – 9.00am
Saturday 13th
1st round Rigoni 4BBB 8.00-12.30pm
J Costello , D Matthews
Committee Meeting
- Winners of the Julie Phillips and Chris Rigoni award will receive a shirt each from the Club.
- Follow up with Golf Australia to complete the Strategy Masterplan for the Club.
- The Club to print promotional material that will be used to promote the Club via accommodation places and tourist offices.
- The junior program has finished for the year, 22 involved in the lessons. Start up again in first term next year. Thanks to Brad Carroll , Jim Martin and Scott Sanderson, great effort.
- Committee Chairman – Grounds and Greens - Jim Martin, Finance - John Costello, House - Spider Hancock. All of these committees are open for members to join, please contact the Chairman if interested.
- Finance – the Club traded at a profit of $9,600 last month, all streams of income were up.
- Men’s Club Championship –the Club Championship will be held in November 2024.
- The Club to purchase a mobile phone and sim card for the office.
- Albury Commercial Club to have reciprocal rights with our Club.
- Adopted a policy that no charging of batteries from walk behind buggies to be allowed at our Club.
- New members – Doug Wain, Luke Browne, welcome to you both.
- The Club to investigate the possibility of holding Carols by Candle light at the course next year.
- The Club not to change the constitution to allow an executive position for Ladies President on the Committee. A suggestion that the Ladies President could fill one of the six Committee positions.
Christmas Roster
I urge members to volunteer their time to look after our office over the Christmas period and in January. There is a roster on the noticeboard. We have seen a strong growth in green fees and cart hire, today we have 6 carts out, - thanks Judy.
Good hitting, George