President's Bulletin – August 26th, 2022
We had more rain last Friday and Saturday morning, and Gerard had no hestitation in calling off competition last Saturday and Tuesday of this week.
More rain is forcast for next Monday, so last year we had the covid lock downs and this year, we have had the heavens open up - having an enormous impact to our golf actitivies. Wangaratta Golf Club have called off their tournament in two weeks time as their course is too wet.
Hopefully as we go into Spring next week and days get longer and warmer, our course will dry out. Tomorrow’s forecast is 19 degrees, I urge you all to come out and have a hit.
Interesting the news around town is that it will cost the Football club $500,000 to upgrade its drainage on the oval. We as a Club should be making representation to Alpine Shire and Tim McCurdy to upgrade our drainage.
Ladies/Men Comp
8 players played yesterday and David Clark had a great round of 36 points, including two nearest of the pins. Runner up Karl O’Shaughnessy with 34 points. Both Karl and I have been in the wars, so it was good to get out today and have a hit.
The programme for the next two weeks:
Saturday 27th
Monthly Medal Stroke 9.00-12.30pm
J Cunneen D Rowe
Tuesday 30th
Stableford 9.30-10.00am
B Newton, J Harper, S Kelly
Thursday 1st
Monthly Medal
Saturday 3rd
Monthly Medal Stableford 8.30-12.30pm
T Batt, G Browne
Stableford 9.30-10.00am
J Roseby, L Dwyer, K Vasey
Thursday 8th
Silver Spoons 9.30-10.00am
Saturday 10th
A Roseby, A Jose
Tuesday 13th
Committee Meeting
Tuesday 13th
Ian O’May Stroke
R Ternes, A Hazeldine,K Holmes
Thursday 15th
IanO’May 2nd round
Saturday 17th
Stableford Ian O’May
P Veldman
Assistant Green Keeper
Interviews will take place next week.
John Costello will return next week with his Queensland suntan.
Good hitting,