
Myrtleford Golf Bulletin

Published Fri 25 Nov 2022

President's Bulletin – November 25th, 2022

Ladies Pennant

Last Friday, our ladies pennant team had a great win over Bright, 2/1. Today they play Mansfield at home.

Men’s Comp.

19 players played last Saturday in the Monthly Medal. Craig Shewell had a brilliant day with 5 under par, runner up Tony Chapman with 1 under par.

Highlight of the day was Brad Carroll eagle on the 17th, 93 balls, I think Brad will be right for Christmas presents this year.

Tomorrow will be a 4B aggregate, arrange a partner or we will find you one at the Club.


Myrtleford Sec. College

It was good to see students from the Secondary College having golf lessons last Monday, they have two more days booked in. Marian College is also having golf lessons as well.

O’May Shield

Last Saturday, Brad Carroll and Doc Rossato played their quarter final and Doc had a great win to reach the final, where he will play Craig Piazza. Doc is playing with great composure, only playing competition golf for a couple of years, should be a good match.

RSA Course

Six members did the online course last Monday. I thank them for giving up their time for the Club and increasing our RSA members in the Club.

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The programme for the next two weeks:





Saturday 26th

4BBB Aggregate Stableford 8.00-12.30pm

J Harrington D Rowe

Tuesday 29th

Stableford 8.30-9.00

S Piazza,B Welch C Ames

Wednesday 30th

Stableford 8.30-9.00

Thursday 1st

Monthly Medal

Saturday 3rd

Drummond Monthly Medal,Stableford 8.00-12.30pm

C Shewell,B Ricardi

Tuesday 6th

Drummond Monthly Medal Stroke 8.30-9.00am

L Browne,M Grimm,

Wednesday 7th

Stableford 8.30-9.00am

Thursday 8th

Stableford 8.30-9.00am

Saturday 10th

Medals of Medals Stroke 8.00-12.30pm

T Chapman, D Clark

Tuesday 13th

Committee Meeting 5.30pm

Ladies Comp

Last Tuesday, 11 players played Stableford and Peter Stewart was the winner with 36 points, runner up Faye McLees with 35 points. Nine hole winner was Marg Curtis on a countback from Marg Fitridge.

Also a quarter final of the Julie Phillips 4BBB and Jan Roseby/Lyn Dwyer defeated Kerry Newton/Robyn Ternes 2/1. Well done ladies. The final will be Mother and Daughter Judy and Marnie Vs Jan and Lyn,

The Course

It is great that this week we have seen the return of beautiful sunshine and Gerard and Tristan are flat out mowing. Hopefully the full 18 will be open tomorrow.

We are having a working bee next Monday, 10.00am, to stand up ‘leaning’ trees, plant trees and if time, whipper snipping. Shovels, whipper snippers please, and thanks to Roscoe who had donated steel pickets for a couple of months.

Ebe Schlapp Trophy

Yesterday, on a beautiful day, 11 ladies and 11 men played off for the annual Ebe Schlapp trophy, the ladies won by 9 shots, best individual scores were Faye McLees 44 points, runner up Barb Welch 37 points. For the men, Peter Stewart continued his fine form with 39 points, runner up Pieter Veldman 37 points.

9 hole competition – Betty Newton with 16 points, runner up Kerry Chapman.

A huge shout out to the ladies for lunch which included a beautiful chocolate cake made by Heather Street – Well done Heather.

A GREAT DAY for the Club

A person standing in front of a blue wall

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Annual Subscription

This week, our Treasurer John has sent out to every member, notices of their annual fees. You have until the end of December to pay and you can also pay by instalments if you wish.

NE Veterans

The list is on the notice board, Monday, 12th December, Bright.

Centennial Shirts

Did you miss out early this year to purchase a centennial shirt.

Following request for the shirts, orders forms are available at the Club house, $45, contact your Captain.

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I wonder if the crows have

this conversation!!!

Good hitting,



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